
Recently, most Eritreans have been outraged by the barbaric acts of Bedouins on Eritrean refugees in Sinai. People have wept, been outraged and saddened by what was committed on young Eritreans who once served and defended their country. The government that they fought for has chosen to refer to them as “African refugees” despite all the proofs and writings that support that most of them were indeed Eritreans. The propaganda and lie serving station Eri-TV suddenly realized that there is a country called Eritrea in Africa and chose to refer them as Africans instead of Eritreans.

As most of you might have noticed, the Eritrean media uses two kinds of references to its people. The first one is “Eritreans” for those who live in the diaspora, sending 2 % of their income back home and occasionally visiting Eritrea in summer time as vacation. The second term is “Africans” for those who have once contributed through their indefinite military service for the building of their nation but now found themselves buried in deserts of Sinai. As it has been witnessed over the years, the so called supporters of the current Eritrean junta have chosen to silently ignore the barbarism as indirectly it would affect their master dictator Isayas Afwerki. None of those outspoken supporters including Sofia Tesfamariam “Gual Hidirtina of Eritrean politics” have uttered any word of condemnation or expression of sadness. Well, actually they will loose their hgdef membership if they comment in any of those issues. They think that losing hgdef membership will cost them the vacation and the houses they are building. Nothing comes before their interests, and they are putting into practice their hidden slogan "Hagerin hizibin dihiri zesirahinayo geza".

Aren’t those Eritrean victims despite the fact that they are now found dead in Sinai and not in US or Europe cheering the Eritrean Mafia regime? Well, this reminded me of the controversial song by Yohannes Tekabo “Hagerey N menom Tefqiri” and the answer now seems a little vague for now but still the proverb there is a light at the end of the tunnel still holds. For the record the song is believed to be written by Amanuel Asrat who’s languishing in the Era Ero prison.

Some of the Tigrinya words and names imprinted in the rocks of Sinai are the testimony to the sufferings and torture that the Eritreans endured. However, some Eritreans and the Eritrean junta are still denying this reality and as usual trying to cover it. It is really heart breaking to see eritreans in the diaspora still supporting the regime who’s the root cause of the problem. The Eritrean youth have been leaving the country every day in record numbers for over a decade now and at some point the county will run out of its youth. Nothing has been done yet to thwart the situation. Eritreans have been focusing on finding a solution for themselves instead of destroying the root cause itself. We have a great culture of covering the mistakes of our family members. We continue to cover the messes of our leaders and that is costing us our lives and social values. A friend of mine told me that while Egyptians and Libyans went into the battle field sacrificing their lives for the sake of freedom, democracy and dignity, a small role is expected by Eritreans and that is to stop cheering for the oppressor and rather side with the oppressed. Eritrea has now become the highest refugee producing country in the world.

It looks like unless we get rid of the dictator Isayas Afwerki we will continue to suffer, weaken and finally lose our identity. So lets all rise in unity and end the dictatorship in Eritrea. After all, the dictator has admitted that nobody gave him a contract to run the country. Lets all rise and finish the unsigned contract so that the suffering of our people will end. Lets be open here and discuss what could the real solution be. We might be required to take action against the president. Whatever needs to be done has to be implemented as silence is silently killing our people. As Martin Luther king Jr said "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Finally, we are required to start our steps with this small event that will start on 11/11/11 by emptying our streets in expression of our frustration for the death of our youth in Sinai.  Victory is inevitable for no one can stop the power of the masses. Lets all rise and say enough is enough for Isayas’s tyrancy.

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