

… who else likes statements that start with ‘gega dea yKlaaley ember…’ people use that prefix when they are going to state a clear and unequivocal statement that is usually politically and sometimes socially a bit incorrect…I hadn’t developed that knack until I read a really funny article from YPFDJ just now…it is on go and feast your funny bones…

The article which was written in Tigrigna that belongs to hadas Eritrea is allegedly written by YPFDJ (the telly tubbies are looking to each other thinking we said all that?? Man we are well wicked!!)…and me…gega dea yiklealey ember there isn’t a single YPFDJ (Y as in young and not Yemane Monkey)… who could string more than a couple of sentences in Tigrigna and to Hadas Eritrea finesse… and about a subject that is so contentious that no monkey on earth has found words to address it… the tragedy at Sinai…

On the plus side it is probably the first in a long list of issues that PFDJ Y or O will need to address us the public directly over so I am going to ignore the fact that the message was signed by the wrong PFDJ and focus on the message (… gega yiklealey dea ember the article sounds like it was written by the guy who visited London recently and was confronted by people who have been there done that and lived to tell the harrowing tale weather or not PFDJ likes it!)…

I was actually thinking of responding to the issue of, who is responsible for the horrors of Sinai?, when had it on a few days back… gega dea yiklealey ember isn’t there some link between’s proprietor and the guy who came and told the gathering in London that those fleeing to the Sinai are economic migrants in search of greener pastures?… but indeed the article on yelenalun.Com was indeed saying ‘niHna yelenalun!’… it is the fault of CIA, weyanie… the relatives of the young people or indeed the young people themselves… anybody else (Ipodes… trendy trainers… and enough nonsense to make you sick!!). Admittedly YPFDJ is an entity that can’t say boo to a Monkey so they can say Yelenalun to anything in the world… including tellytubby outfits… but I am convinced that the said article was neither conceived nor written by a single YPFDJ… (if you want proof go do a quick chapter and verse quiz on a random PFDJ)… but the YPFDJ minus the Y (Y for young again!) is infact the only responsible being for the demise of every horrific death in the Sinai…of anyone fleeing the country be it in search of peace and freedom or education and work… for it is PFDJ that orchestrated the disappearance of every single one of those things in Eritrea that the young people have to resort to such measures to go find these things that are in fact their birthright and their inheritance from their parents and grandparents and older siblings who died or were maimed securing these for them… none but PFDJ should be blamed! For if PFDJ addressed the matter back when IA was saying ‘it is a picnic’… if PFDJ had sought solution instead of a shoot to kill measures… if PFDJ had consulted parents and elders instead of levying them penalties or hauling them to prison… if PFDJ had inspired the youth to become a rightful stakeholder and custodian of their inheritance…rather than a slave… then it would have been possible for bitsay Monkey and others to tell us they blame every other being for this… but as PFDJ’s only response to the matter has been more brutality more responsibility is rightfully accorded to them… as for YPFDJ’s yelenalun bid for clemency… yes unfortunately it has never been you and it will never be you who will make an iota of a difference in Eritrea (do carry on cranking the koboro!)…

The group of young people who are in charge of any viable chance for change in Eritrea have already made a difference to the landscape though. Tomorrow evening we will see the beginning of the active but silent resistance to PFDJ’s reign… we will be reclaiming our streets by depriving PFDJ any sense of control… EMPTY THE STREETS of Eritrea off of every Eritrean worth their salt! Calling our people to stay at home in SOLIDARITY in PROTEST and in WILFUL DEFIANCE of PFDJ… the empty streets will echo the untold horror that has become our legacy but it will also resound with our solidarity and unity as is our culture… you touch one of us you respond to all of us… there is no such thing as fear and much less fear of a regime run by monkeys.

PFDJ used to taunt us with three things:
1.    the young people have no appetite for resistance
2.    the people are under the firm grip of PFDJ
3.    our messages and calls for resistance never penetrate Eritrea.

Tomorrow at five the streets of Eritrea From Asmara to Keren to Barentu and Massawa … from Aqordat to dekemhare and Adiquala  and  Assab to Tessenay  will be filled with resistance to PFDJ in response to a call by the very young people who are not supposed to be interested in resistance and the message will be transferred by the very channels who are supposed to not penetrate Eritrea to reach the very people who are supposed to be under PFDJ’s clutch… (is that three birds with one stone?)

By telling us that we are responsible for the Sinai horrors YPFDJ is effectively telling us we are the official opposition…that is what governments usually do blame the opposition… true to form first they ignored us… then they tried to ridicule us and now they are fighting us… tomorrow we will win!! All history books attest to this…so yes we have arrived and we will make sure that our people take control… stay home and resist until PFDJ is no more and YPFDJ is hung to dry on the dance floors of diaspora community halls!

Tomorrow is a PFDJ control free evening and EYSC is in charge…
Here we come!

Thanks YPFDJ for heralding our arrival… but please pardon us if we don’t kiss the messenger!


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