
Tragic stories from young Eritrean refugees

Compiled by Resoum Kidane


The purpose of this compilation is to document all ghastly crimes and atrocities committed against the Eritrean youths in Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Israel and most recently in Sinai. Many of these crimes have been reported by journalists and human rights activists. For example in 2010 EL-ARISH, Egypt (Reuters) reported that a 26-year-old Eritrean was shot dead by Egyptian border police, in 2008 AI also reported that Samar Saddik Abkar was shot dead by Egyptian border police, in the early 2011 at least 86 women from Eritrea reported they were raped while in Sinai, this was reported by Diaa Hadid (CP) , similar story was also reported by A new Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHR-I), the most horrendous of these organised serious inhumane acts were committed in Sinai by armed Bedouins (Arabs) and  was publicised in October 2011 reported by El Arish, Egypt (CNN) and other reporters . By and large in the last 10 years, the younger Eritrean refugees faced forced deportations by the Libyan, Egyptian, Maltese and Sudanese regimes. Some were also killed by Egyptian border guards or tortured by the Bedouin tribes of the Sinai.  Regrettably, the various opposition leaders have engaged in narrow power struggles disregarding these atrocities. Their elitist supporters continue to engage in cyber civil war in and other websites instead of uniting and liberating the Eritrean people from this autocratic regime without any delay.

Therefore, the youths are not merely victims of the PFDJ but also of the leaders of the opposition groups and their elitist supporters. In effect, they have realistically contributed to prolonging the life of this autocratic regime which has caused the deaths of thousands of Eritrean youths many in the Mediterranean Sea [video], Sahara desert [video] and Sinai deserts[video] while the victims have relentlessly sought to escape.

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