Brighton Peace Conference - May 21-23, 2010
Brighton Peace Conference
May 21-23, 2010

Eritrean Citizens for Peace hosted a successful Peace Conference in Brighton, UK, between May 21-23, 2010. The main objective of the conference was to ratify a Peace Charter that calls on Eritreans and the peoples of the Horn of Africa, including governments, civil society organisations, religious and community leaders and various institutions to take steps towards peaceful co-existence. The conference also outlined a way forward towards launching a strong people’s movement for peace.
The conference was attended by academics, activists, representatives of various Eritrean civic organisations and concerned citizens from across the globe.
Delegates discussed many issues of ongoing and potential social, political, economic, environmental crises as well as the potential conflicts facing Eritrea and the Horn of Africa and considered ways and means of bringing Eritreans together to work for internal and regional peace.
After intensive and engaging discussions on many challenging issues concerning Eritrea and the wider Horn of Africa region, the conference:
- Ratified the proposed Peace Charter to guide the emergent peace movement.
- Developed an action plan for taking the ideals and objectives stated in the charter forward.
- Agreed to work on concretising the administrative structures of the movement by electing a team of fifteen members.
The Brighton Peace Conference is a follow-up of the London Peace Conference which took place 18-19 Dec, 2009.
The Organising Committee
Citizens for Peace
Sunday 23 May 2010