
Stockholm, 6-8 March 2014

The first symposium of Network of Eritrean Women (NEW) held in Stockholm from 6th to 8th of March 2014. Eritrean women from different countries and backgrounds who strive to achieve a democratic and just Eritrean society where gathered. The two-day symposium was conducted under the theme of, Women’s right are human rights and gender equality needs to be incorporated in all political and socio-economic decision-making processes in Eritrea’, where women have equal rights and opportunities and therefore will be better equipped to contribute in building a healthy and developing society.

What makes this symposium important is that it is held during a time of increased challenges for Eritreans:


  • The strict and repressive climate in Eritrea has escalated to a critical situation.
  • The mass exodus of Eritrean youths fleeing their country in the thousands due to the continuous denial of their basic rights or to avoid the compulsory and indefinite "national service" as well the tremendous risks for their lives when fleeing such as kidnapping, trafficking, and sexual violence. 

  • The social, economic and psychological impact on Eritrean women in and outside the country.
  • An on-going momentum where public calls and efforts for change is escalating in rapid pace while the support of the authoritarian regime in continuous decline.   

  • Despite the fact that Eritrean women have been part and parcel of the struggle for independence, their participation in the opposition groups has not been as significant. Essentially, the role of the Eritrean women to alleviate the plight of the Eritrean people was curtailed.


Thus the symposium highlighted the following:


  • The heroic contribution of Eritrean women during the struggle for independence, political liberty and social justice.

  • The fact that, at present, the role of the Eritrean women in the struggle for change is seriously marginalized and undermined.

  • The difficulties that Eritrean women facing such as a result of the indefinite "national service", sexual violence, human trafficking and refugee conditions.


In the light of these conditions, NEW has:


  • Decided to organise and structure itself and elected a central coordinating board. Thereafter, standing coordinators will assign the rest of board members in the task units and projects.

  • Restated its commitment to work for Eritrean women’s right in Eritrea and in the diaspora. NEW will also commit itself to research and contribute in the fields of education, health and welfare of Eritrean women.

  • Reaffirmed to intensify its efforts towards building networks of Eritrean women's interest groups and create and strengthen link and cooperation with other women's organisations that advocate for women’s rights and democracy.

  • Demands a clear and active inclusion of women at all levels and positions of the Eritrean political and social processes in order to promote their empowerment and secure their much deserved and overdue place at the table of national development, conflict resolution and peace building.

  • Urged all change seekers to unify and strengthen their efforts to oust the dictatorial regime in Eritrea and to work towards a governance of a democratic system instead.

  • Appeal to all genuine opposition groups and civic society organisations to refrain from deliberate or otherwise divisive activities and instead increase their capacity in order to take responsibility of their role in the process of building a national forum that assures a peaceful transition to a sustainable democratic Eritrea.

  • Reach out to the Eritrean Defence Forces (EDF) for them to support and be part of the process for change and to side with their people in order to alleviate them from misery and suffering.

  • Submitted an appeal to the governmental ‘National Union of Eritrean Women’ to stand beside the struggle for the salvation of our people and the country in general and to achieve human rights and the emancipation of women in Eritrea in particular.