Freedom Friday makes over 10,000 Independence Day Calls and distributes  flyers in Asmara

(Asmara 16- 05-2013) Freedom Friday Activists in Asmara have started their Independence Day 2013 Campaigned themed, From Here to Dignity, by distributing hundreds of high definition glossy posters depicting the Eritrean Tragedy and calling on all Eritreans to play their role in putting a stop to these. The flyers with the word ‘Enough!’ written in bold across the middle were distributed in the centre of Asmara as well as some of the outskirt regions.

The Activists report that, the flyers were particularly popular with customers at the various bars where previous posters had been distributed. Reporting from our Asmara the Activists said: ‘We started at Adi Abeyto and worked our way to the heart of Asmara concentrating in the areas around Bar Royal, Commerciato and Piazza Michael. We also covered the Mai Abashawel and had great success there too’ .

Asmara residents are said to be both surprised and happy about the distribution of such explicit messages of resistance and so far there hasn’t been a report of any government reaction.

Meanwhile Activists in the Eritrean diaspora were busy making over 10,000 calls reminding Eritreans that today’s Eritrea is a far cry from their aspirations at independence in 1991. The calls drew attention to the plight of the thousands of prisoners and called on the public to celebrate Independence Day in private contemplation with their families rather than the public shows put up by the regime.

It is to be remembered that earlier this month the Activists in Asmara smuggled out a video clip of their poster campaign back in December.

The Freedom Friday Movement makes thousands of calls into Eritrea, defying strict government communication control to reach the Eritrean public. Inspired by the Arab Spring and interpreting it in the Eritrean context, the Initiative has been making these calls and asking the Eritrean public to empty the streets every Friday Evening as a show of outrage against the Government’s abuse of the Eritrean public.

Eritrea has one of the world’s largest prison and refugee populations in the world and is often compared to North Korea.

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