Eritrea: Stepping up the Pressure on Isaias Afewerki
Eritrea: Stepping up the Pressure on Isaias Afewerki
Michael Abraha – Hawassa, Ethiopia
There is a demand for an Islamic Fatwa-like measure to forcefully remove Isaias Afewerki from power for what is termed as murderous atrocities he is committing on the Eritrean people and for willfully destroying the Eritrean social and economic fabric. In a message to the Eritrean National Congress in the resort city of Hawassa, Rome based Eritrean Catholic Priest, Abba Tewelde Berhan Tsegai cited the Gospel of John, Chapter 11, 49-50: “You do not seem to have grasped the situation at all; you fail to see that it is to your advantage that one man should die for the people rather than that whole nation should perish.”
Meanwhile, EPRDF (Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front) Representative, Ato Redwan Hussein, pledged Ethiopia’s uncompromising support for pro-democracy Eritreans struggling to end Isaias’s rule. Welcoming the delegates at the opening ceremony on Monday night Ato Redwan, who is EPRDF’s Executive Member, pointed to the solemn reality that under the Isaias regime Eritrea was fast moving toward utter chaos, jeopardizing its very survival as one nation and as one people.
Ato Redwan said “the heroic Eritrean people will not succumb to tyranny”. He stressed the need for a strong and unified leadership to galvanize the Eritrean people’s fighting spirit and spur them to action. He recalled the mutual support and close cooperation between the peoples of the two neighbors - factors which, he said, were a key in removing repressive dictatorships of the past. Despite the long struggle for liberation, independent Eritrea has not yet seen democratic, political, economic and social freedoms.
EPRDF’s foreign policy was based on principles of give and take as well as mutual respect and cooperation with all sovereign states, he said, adding: “the Eritrean people deserve a government that respects their human rights and one that focuses on peace and development and is willing to safeguard and uphold the safety and security of the region”.
Ato Redwan underlined the necessity for Eritreans to elect qualified leaders capable of identifying and streamlining the objectives, strategies and tactics for the on-going democratic struggle leading to the creation of national guiding principles for the fight ahead.
Following a variety of traditional songs and dances performed by the popular Southern Region’s Cultural Musical Group, the 6-hundred Eritrean delegates were officially welcomed to Hawassa City Monday night by Ato Tadesse Chaffo, Vice President of Ethiopia’s SNNP Region - The Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region with Hawassa as their capital. “Made up of 65 nations and nationalities, we live and work together in peace and harmony in this Region of 17 million people,” said Ato Tadesse.
Opening the gathering on Monday night, Amha Dominico, Chairman of the outgoing Eritrean National Commission for Democratic Change (ENCDC) thanked all individual actvists and groups that made the convening of the National Congress possible. Amha extended appreciation to Eritrea’s veteran fighters, women compatriots, intellectuals and especially the youth who have become the regime’s main target for victimization. “It is time for change and we must now proceed with a deep sense of urgency as millions of Eritreans cry out for normalcy and peace. We represent all facets of Eritrean life. We ought to overcome egotism, narrow mindedness and any forms of extremism,” said Amha.
On behalf of the political camp, Tewelde Ghebreselassie, Chairman of the Eritrean Democratic Alliance, spoke of the need for clear strategy and plan of action to remove the PFDJ regime as a requirement to establish peace and democracy. “It is the responsibility of each one of us to make all the necessary effort to reach this desired goal through constructive dialogue and discussion.”
Other religious and spiritual leaders present at the Hawassa gathering also took the stage to join hands in expressing their yearning for change. Sudan based Sheikh Abdella Mohammed highlighted the historical fact that there has never been a religious war in Eritrea. “Islam stands for peace and justice and we believe in coexistence among all religions in Eritrea and beyond,” he said.
Fr. Professor Athanasius Ghebre-Ab of Ohio University commended participants for their readiness to challenge the PRDF regime without fear. He said PFDJ was persecuting all religions and that over 3000 evangelicals still remained in government prisons.
Representative of the Kunama Traditional Religion, Ato Ambrojo Bayo, also spoke of PFDJ’s insatiable appetite to coerce all Eritrean traditions, culture and religions.
Delegates have now elected a 27-member secretariat to preside over the Congress’s proceedings during the next five days. High on the agenda for discussion include ways of speeding up the removal of the Isaias regime and the formation of a new transitional resistance council to uphold and implement guiding principles for the establishment of a democratic, secular Eritrea.
Michael Abraha is Media and Human Rights Advocate and can be reached at
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