

It’s so natural and acceptable and at the same time, very optimistic, for people or an individual person, to object, to dispute something he doesn’t agree with or to express his ungratified feelings, either through written, verbal or demonstrate, in person against any. Be it an ideology/ doctrine, job, governance or sometimes-even relationship etc….

But no one is to be given the mandatory to go beyond the context of the issue and harass untargeted personals and sometimes attempt to decide the fate of individuals by interfering foreign institutions, which are equipped with laws and regulations. Thanks to the non-regulated Pal-talk forums and praised be to some of our websites, which are hosting anything that comes along, and any content that engulfs across. To be frank this current exercise around some of our websites, practically shows we are heading nowhere at all. We are all marching with high speed but I doubt if there is any space for vision and wisdom. Why I am saying all this is because, there is a serious concern on how we are objecting the very same Dictator who is playing games with our mind.

Issayas Afeworqi badly and desperately wishes our disunity our confusion and our misunderstanding each other at this peculiar period. And out of his frustration, He is working on it 24/7 and he is truly wining. Only within 2011, I heard several incidents, which took place in Diaspora, against Ex-EPLF members who decided to defect the brutal regime in Eritrea. I wonder if this people are still considered enemies? If so, why they are enemies? What’s their sin for defecting a government and leader who is infamously the first page of global newspapers? As Eritreans, they fought for Eritrean freedom. They finished their sacrificial homework with bravery and for that they deserved unique respect for they did a unique job, which was seemingly impossible to their people and the world community at large. Unfortunately, theirs and the fate of the Eritrean public that hoped peace and tranquility for decades, collapsed. But not because they were / are EX-EPLF fighters/ShaEbias or not because they wanted to make their people suffer, it’s because ‘only’ Issayas Afeworqi and his club betrayed them together with their parents, siblings and friends. And that constitutes the Eritrean people as a whole. Meaning, the whole Eritrea is betrayed by Issayas. Including the mountains, valleys, and the Eritrean Skies that witnessed all the indescribable ammunition in the History Of Eritrean arm-struggle. Now these are the heroes who are defecting Issayas to join the ‘Smerrrrrr’ era to shorten Issayas’ age. Do they deserve harassment and discrimination or a welcoming hand? And who is who to discriminate these heroes? And who is to live in peace in Eritrea by intimidating and betraying these heroes?

I read an article at under a title “ Eritrean Diplomat defects to Canada”. It went to entertain that he has been declined an asylum /protection because he was a member of EPLF? But to my understanding that, there are irresponsible and insensitive forces who are pushing for this Diplomat not to get Asylum in Canada and I wonder why all this? Hasn’t our objection to Issayas been diverted into Objecting Ex-EPLF fighters? Isn’t this attitude going to darken our real dream?

I the writer have been with Issayas up until the last 4 years. It doesn’t mean I felt in love with him but I felt in love with myself. My first priority was how to develop pretences and wait for the time to come for I had children who looked up to me only.  I am not after name and fame, but officially I had been serving as close intelligence officer to Issayas and when my opportunity time matured, I fulfilled my purpose, meaning, I defected. And now I am residing in an area where, suitable for me to follow the development of the anti-Issays Democratic movement within Eritrea. Above all, I know for sure that movement is part of the Smerrrrrr expedition and that movement is entirely a composition of EX-EPLF’s and the ‘Warsay’, which I believe, could be the force to do a miracle at this Smerrrr era. Issayas is an enemy to all. Issayas is anti Eritrea and the Eritrean people. Issays doesn’t any longer know EPLF and ELF or any; it’s out of his mind. Issays only wants to prolong his power and see us perish as if we are not humans. Lets grow up and change. Change is always good and it starts from our personal emotions and behaviours.  My advice and admonition to all the change-seeker-Eritreans weather in or out of the country is that it’s high time that we stop immature acts against each other lets voice out Smerrrrr and march together.

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