I would like to add my personal thanks for Dr. Alganesh Fisseha Gandhi’s tremendous and diligent work for the Eritrean people. It is one of my deepest regrets that we have not been able to meet due to the never-ending demands of the Eritrean situation.

Dr. Alganesh Fisseha Gandhi has been at the forefront of the Eritrean liberation struggle since 1970’s which is to say over forty years now. However, her style is action not words, so, her low-key but effective strategies have not always been advertised in the Eritrean websites.

I thank the Editorial Board of ECP Strategy Adi for bringing to light her efforts and commitment to bettering the lot of Eritrean refugees: Eritrean Efforts on Behalf of Refugees.

Dr Alganesh has single-handedly arranged for Eritreans to be fed by providing flour-mills and milk-cows in refugee camps in Ethiopia. She has been instrumental in providing housing for the elderly, computers for education, clothes medicine, and access to education in Ethiopia.

She has secured refugee status for Eritreans in Italy and safe passage for dozens of Eritreans caught up in the Libyan civil war. She paid for over 300 Eritreans to be flown to Ethiopia from Egypt, some of whom were wounded, women and the elderly.

This is only a partial list of all good she has done. For instance the she has been visiting the refugee camps in Ethiopia where thousands of Eritreans are sheltered bringing food with her

I had the opportunity to work with her recently, when the Libyan crisis started, to help evacuate Eritrean refugees. Although we were unable to meet, we were in constant telephone contact during that time.

It has been an honour for me to have been associated with her. Eritreans are lucky to have people like her on their side throughout these difficult times.

With great admiration!
Elsa Chyrum
Director of Human Rights Concern - Eritrea
London, U.K.
17 July 2011