EYSC Appeals for Proper Burials of Eritrean Victims of the Tragic Shipwreck off Lampedusa, Italy
EYSC Appeals for Proper Burials of Eritrean Victims of the Tragic Shipwreck off Lampedusa, Italy
October 4, 2013 –Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change (EYSC) joins Eritreans everywhere in expressing its deep sorrow over the tragic loss of so many young lives off the coast of Lampedusa, Italy. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Sadly, this latest incident is a continuation of many such tragedies that have claimed thousands of young Eritrean lives in recent years.
What the Italian authorities have done to rescue the helpless migrants, console the living and collect the bodies of those who passed away is commendable. We join the Eritrean communities throughout the world in expressing our appreciation for the badly needed help. However, for every victim that is ending up in body bag, there is a family waiting back in Eritrea to properly say goodbye and bury their loved ones with dignity according to custom and religion.
Therefore we are appealing for:
- The Italian government to arrange for the swift transport of the bodies to Eritrea for proper burial.
- The Eritrean government, through its Embassy in Rome, to fully cooperate with the world community and give these citizens of Eritrea a final resting place in their homeland.
- Eritreans everywhere to come together at this hour of need to not only pray and remember the recent victims but to continue to get involved and seek a solution so that we don’t continue to witness senseless loses of innocent lives. We call upon all Eritreans to condemn the dictatorial PFDJ regime whose policies are causing Eritrean to escape and become victims of tragedies.
For more information:
Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change (EYSC)
Email: media@eysc.net
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/eritreanyouth
Website: www.eysc.net
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