Mr.Yemane, Under the Full Protection of the US Constitution, Spouted the Most Virulent Anti-US Propaganda in Atlanta

By Seyoum Tesfaye- Atlanta- Georgia

In his presentation to some Eritrean Americans and Eritreans in Atlanta, on May 25 2013, that numbered about 150 (out of this about 50% showed up almost at the end of his presentation and the beginning of the partying). Mr. Yemane was protected by 5 police men and 2 security guards who thoroughly searched every person who attended (with extra search when they come back from the bathroom). No one was allowed to bring any cell phones to the meeting. The level of insecurity and fear was extensive.

The Eritrean democratic forces, in Georgia, had already made two proactive tactical decisions that made the Yemane trip to Atlanta less productive if not totally counterproductive. The protracted struggle of the voices of justice and democracy had been redefining the nature and context of the political struggle within the Eritrean community in Atlanta.

The Yemane meeting was to reveal how far things have shifted in Atlanta and possibly give us clear indicators as to the emerging general trend in the Diaspora.

First -based on concrete assessment of the political conditions within the Eritrean Diaspora in Metro Atlanta two different summations were made in early 2013: The opposition now has the upper hand but needs to systematically consolidate its forces in a more deliberate and pragmatic way in order to accelerate the momentum and establish hegemony of the democratic forces and reverse the 30 years domination and suffocation of Eritreans in Atlanta by EPLF/PFDJ.

Second- sustained observation had given us reliable and verifiable information that proves the “government” supporters were fractured beyond repair. The chatter within their “camp” is full of subterfuge, accusation and counter accusation. The caliber of their “leadership” has been watered-down: in terms of its quality and quantity. Left alone to their own, it was obvious, they will be degraded to further inefficiency and ineffectiveness as the opposition consolidates its gains and makes non-ideological pragmatic political decisions that take into account the concrete local reality.

On the basis of these summations the decision not to attend the Yemane presentation was the most prudent approach taken by the forces of democracy in Atlanta. Attending or trying to attend the regime sanctioned meeting would have galvanize the “supporters” of the government and push them into defending the defunct regime and its irrational politics. Instead of venting their deeply felt frustration and disappointment towards the agent of the government the opposition would have been the focus of their anger. Besides why pay $25.00 and shore up their revenue and make their video look good.

Better to devise alternative way of accessing the information that Yemane was going to deliver and the questions and reaction of those who attended. At the right time and applied in a judicious way: inaction (disengagement) is as powerful as civil confrontation. Containing your opponent and expand the division within it rank was more important than open demonstration or showing your opposition by attending the regime sanctioned meeting. The concrete realty in Atlanta demanded this kind of strategy.

Based on this understanding the decision was made to focus on the DC demonstration, not to attend the Yemane lecture and if individuals choose enjoy the Independence Day Party organized by the Non-profit –Non political ( federally recognized) Eritrean American Community Association of Georgia. The move achieved its intended result. Yemane was left to fend off the toughest question raised by former EPLF members, Nehena Esu – Esu Nehena worshipers of Isaiais and few former ELF members who attended the government controlled Independence Day lecture/celebration. The hand clapping that followed some of the questions must have sounded like the beginning of unrehearsed requiem to Yemane’s ears. Whether the unedited and unvarnished video will make it to the big boss’ VCR is something we cannot be sure about.

Based on the questions raised and the reaction by those who attended the meeting one fundamental thing has become clear: The alter-ego of the president was unable to repair the regime’s decimated base in metro Atlanta. In essence Yemane did not say anything that Ms. Sophia has not been regurgitating, for a while, as a surrogate fire extinguisher of the regime in North America. She is a spent energy now. Because in her last trip to Atlanta she was bluntly informed by a questioner there was nothing that she said that he has not heard on TV-ERI and she was not policy maker who could tell him or the audience why things are happening or not happening in Eritrea. The people needed to hear from a top cadre. Here he was Isaias’ right-hand man saying the same thing. The difference was one of official position, style and not of substance.

Here is a summary of his talking points:

  • That USA and Ethiopia are still trying to destroy Eritrea- Ethiopia was encouraged by US to open war against us in 1998 and is still determined to continue the multifaceted war against us.
  • The Eritrean constitution has been implemented except holding presidential election
  • Ethiopia is pleading to meet with Eritrean leaders by appealing to Russia, Turkey, Qatar, Sudan, South Sudan, South Africa, Rwanda, Italy, some members of US Congress etc. to intercede on its behalf.
  • The UN Security Council is discussing on how to monitor the revenue generated by the sale of Gold by opening a special account to be monitored by World Bank and other entities
  • The US embassy in Asmara was never closed –it just started issuing visa
  • We have to rebuild EPLF (never mentioned PFDJ even for one time) etc encouraged the audience to register with EPLF.
  • We have serious economic problems (he makes a summary of the problems gas, water, electric shortage etc) and puts the blame on the US door and the sanction.

The central theme for the presentation was to blame the USA for all that ails Eritrean political, economic and social crisis. This is the real definition of disinformation- intentional externalization of all reasons for the regime’s grand failure in order to divert serious questions as to why the Eritrean regime has not delivering positive results 22 years after independence.

Why the US extended an opportunity to the alter ego of Isaias to travel to Atlanta and spread his anti- US venom is the residual question we have to deal with after his anti-US trip is over. The irony is obvious: Mr. Yemane, the mouthpiece for the worst tyrant in Africa, under the protection of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, (With 5 police officers, 2 private security guards) is allowed to deliver his anti- US venomous diatribe- harvesting the benefit of a mature democracy. He gets the full benefit of democratic governance 10,000 miles away from his authoritarian system. The opportunistic posture is obvious. Yet this is the nature of democracy you make space even for those who despise you. Freedom of speech means the government has no control over the content of the speech. Imagine an American representative or an Eritrean American giving the Yemane version, in reverse, in meeting in Asmara.

If you were to ask him why the regime he represents has imprisoned Eritrean journalists incommunicado for over 12 years denying their right to free expression he will mimic his boss by saying “there is no freedom of press in the world” in a smooth tone, of course, minus the crudeness that is second nature to Isaiais. Give the devil his due at least he is cold as ice and has a thick skin.

There is logic and structure for this kind of deceptive authoritarian parallel universe and doubletalk, and desire to hide behind patriotism while destroying the country and scattering its people across the globe- the content is universal.

Isaias in his latest Independence Day speech set the tone and focus for Mr. Yemane to follow:

“The US Administration has impeded the United Nations, including the Security Council, from taking the necessary measures towards ensuring Eritrea’s sovereignty. We are also well aware of the ploys designed to trap us in public relations gimmicks through the involvement of various collaborators so as cause confusion and buy time in a bid to give cover to such acts of crime and terrorism.”

Who are the collaborators? What is the crime and terrorism that US is committing? Can Isaias present a bona fide document that was signed by US government stating that it was a guarantor for the implementation of the Ethio-Eritrea border arbitration?  Does US have a documented legal responsibility to force Ethiopia to finalized the border issue? Or is this a wrongly constructed petulant appeal to remind the US that it has an implied moral responsibility in facilitating the finalization of the border issue? Why keep recycling this false argument?  Because it is easy to sell and it gives a ready-made excuse to the regime for holding the State and the people of Eritrea hostage.

Isaias in Asmara and Yemane in Atlanta were merchandizing bogus complaint in order to deflect the attention of the people form the imploding domestic crisis. Assad’s family used the Golan Heights as an excuse for over 40 years to impose and justify its dictatorial control over the people of Syria – Eritreans should not be surprised if Isiais uses the occupation of Badme to justify his 22 years control over Eritrea. It is dirty politics as played by a crude and cruel tyrants but it is still politics. The externalization (the regime’s agenda) is losing its luster. The duty of the opponents is to counter-strategize and outsmart the enemy of the Eritrean people convince the people to address the root cause of our crisis- the internal enemy that has chosen power over justice. That is internalizing the cause of the crisis and refocusing the mind of the people towards solving our national crisis.

This is not 1998 or 2001. Feelings have subsided and rational minds are plenty- both at home and in the Diaspora. The conversation is shifting to the subject of how we can transition from this failed leadership and set the ground work for rule of law, justice and constitutional governance. The opposition will be wrong if it thinks it has a monopoly on the issue of sorting out the transition. It needs to think out of the box and honestly address the shift, expand its tent and conduct a different kind of conversation. The demand for constitutional governance and the supremacy of rule of law is now the binding thread for the majority of the Eritrean people. Diluting his power base with practical strategy and breaking down his pillar of support incrementally is not an emotional agenda: It the bread and butter, the central task of the present stage of the struggle.

The questions raised in Atlanta are indicative of this emerging trend. Not a single question about Badme, the Eritrean opposition, or US was asked in the meeting.

Yemane was bombarded by serious questions from the regime sympathizers (based on extensive debriefing by those who attended the meeting and other ironclad source) here is the essence of the questions and “comments/criticism”:

  1. Our community in metro Atlanta is divided. Is there anything you can do to help resolve this issue before you return home?
  2. Why the constitution is not implemented?
  3. My young son keeps asking me why there is no election in Eritrea. Etc
  4. Everything you have said is meaningless unless the country is governed by rule of law -in the absence of that the country belongs to the corrupted, lawless individuals (this was presented as a follow up to question number 2.)
  5. Why did not the Eritrean government say anything about our brothers and sisters suffering in Sinai until very recently? Why does not the government protect Eritreans when they are kidnapped in Barantu and Tessenei (inside the country)?
  6. The last EPLF/PFDJ congress was in 1994 – why was not another congress held since then?
  7. Why are the youth leaving the country?
  8. I am one of those youth who left Eritrea and went to Shemmelba Ethiopia – I love my country and government. TPLF wanted to arm me and to struggle against the Eritrean government. I refused. What guarantee do I have if I were to return to Eritrea? You said you believe in amnesty if so why don’t you release (give amnesty) the leaders that are arrested?
  9. A serious complaint was lodged against the local EPLF/PFDJ leadership painting them as counterproductive and incapable of representing the unifying spirit of the old EPLF culture by a veteran EPLF member – who also affirmed the responsibility of EPLF members to directly call the embassy and inform the staff if they felt an Eritrean was harming the interest of Eritrea.

Yemane collected all the questions and responded to some in the classical fashion evaded others in a tactful way. Answering one question at a time would have generated follow up questions and more arguments further exposing the growing divide within the regime’s camp.

Beyond the official Independence Day meeting Mr. Yemane had three more meetings (based on inside sources) the meeting with former PFDJ/Mekete group, the broken down YPFDJ and another closed meeting with the local Keshas etc.

Mr. Yemane did not present any fresh answers to these questions. More importantly he could not. He was true to the rehearsed manuscript- to the strictly outlined talking point. He was partly paternalistic but mostly a seasoned disinformation commissar with a structured canned message trying hard to keep the remaining foot soldiers in line. If his production in Atlanta was the template for his other mission he has truly failed due to the fact the political ground has shifted and old tricks are not working. Ali Abdu seems to have come to grip with the shift ahead of Yemane. Was there another personal mission hidden behind his tangential official trip?

Why not! Time will tell.

In the end to those who have been the true and decorated agents of a tyrant it becomes all about personal survival- basic human instinct kicks in when you least expect it. For Mr. Yemane rearranging the seats on the Titanic is a futile endeavor. He is smart enough to be aware of this. He sees the writing on the wall. What assurance and insurance does he need to abandon the dictator at the right time? The first rule in politics is never say never- The second rule of politics is the only certain thing in politics is uncertainly- a consistently shifting dynamics that demands fresh mind and eyes beyond the general paradigm shift.

Old dogmas are the albatross of living and breathing politics. The more the uncertainty and fluidity increases the more our political sophistication and adaptability is tested. As the tyrant’s base shrinks the uncertainty will increases. What that implies is another critical conversation. We have to table it for another time. The Down-Down period has served its purpose. As the struggle gets more complicated and the uncertainty, fluidity and the possibility of realignment of the balance of forces becomes obvious a very different caliber of political leadership and conflict management skill will be needed.

The enemies of the people of Eritrea are very few. The rest of us might have differences that need be sorted out by respecting each other’s fundamental right to uphold and defend a vastly different perspective and opinions. We are stakeholders. In that sense Atlanta is moving forward. The search for mutual ground and genuine conversation is maturing and will get better.

I assure the readers that the opposition camp was at Yemane’s Independent Day lecture in a way fit with its circumstance. In addition I extend heartfelt thanks to those who made this report (minus my editorializing) possible by reconfirming what was said and heard line by line.

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