NC's Letters of Protest to AU, Libya and Egypt
A Protest letter against the lack of implementation of UN security council approved sanctions, the forced repatriation, killing and ill-treatment of Eritrean asylum seekers by the Egyptian and Libyan border guards, police and immigration authority
Saturday, July 31, 2010
H.E. Dr. Jean PING
African Union Headquarters
P.O. Box 3243
Roosevelt Street
W21K19, Addis Ababa
Fax:(251) 11 5513036
We the participants of the Eritrean National conference for Democratic change in Addis Ababa are grateful that the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against the dictatorial regime of the state of Eritrea. We are concerned that the implementation part is lagging. We see the dictator Issaias Afewerki attending Franco-African conference in Paris and some of the regime’s ministers shuttling from country to country. We demand the sanctions fully implemented including barring of mining companies of foreign countries working in Eritrea giving life to the monetary stricken regime.
We Eritreans who are in Addis Ababa, to participate in the National Conference for Democratic Change in Eritrea, organized by the Eritrean Democratic Alliance and Eritrean civic societies in diasporas are really saddened by the forced repatriation, killing and ill-treatment of the Eritrean asylum seekers in Egypt and Libya, by their border guards, police and immigration authority.This inhumane treatments still continue despite repeated calls by the United Nations Higher Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other International Human Rights Organizations upon these governments to stop this outrageous actions.
Ever since the Eritrean independence, Mr. Issaias Afewerki peoples’ front for democracy and justice (PFDJ) dictatorial regime, has persecuted, tortured and arrested any individual or group of individuals: war disabled veterans, journalists, youth, elderly, parents, religious leaders, reformers, university students and more who were in any position to exercise their basic freedoms and civil liberties.
Furthermore, the National Service in our nation (Eritrea) is supposed to last for a year and half. However, in reality, this National Service has no end; hundreds of thousands are still serving for years on hard slave labor camps under the pretext of National Service and National Development Campaign. This endless military service and forced conscription have caused mass exodus of our youth to neighboring countries and beyond (including countries Egypt and Libya), since they don't see any future with the dictatorial regime except for forced slave labor camp or prison. Therefore, our youth and people who are fleeing from, Mr. Isaias Afewerki’s repressive regime need your protection not further abuse or killing and ill treatment by border guards and police.
We will be always thankful to the governments and to the peoples of Egypt and Libya for the vital support during our struggle for independence of our nation Eritrea. However, the present acts of forced repatriation, ill treatment and killing 0f our fellow citizens by border guards, police and immigration authority is immoral and should stop immediately.
With this appeal, we are respectfully calling on these governments to immediately stop, all forced repatriation, ill treatment and killing 0f our fellow citizens by border guards, police, and give unlimited and immediate access to UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Egypt and Libya to assess their asylum situations. As they are well aware, as signatory of the 1951 UN Convention against torture these governments are obligated to respect the rights of all refugees.
Look forward to hearing back from you, as we look forward to the time when we Eritrean people can freely exercise the freedom and civil liberty to which we are entitled.
Sincerely Yours,
Eritrean national conference for democratic change participants
c/o Bashir Ishaq
Chairman of the Pnceconferreparatory Committee of National Conference for Democratic Change 1143(1110)
Addis Ababa/Ethiopia
Phone: 251-911-46-5229
Copy to:
Mr Antonio Guterres
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt
A Protest letter against the torture and ill-treatment of Eritrean asylum seekers by the Libyan police and immigration authority in Libya
Saturday, July 31, 2010
H.E. Mr. Ali Abdella Awidan
Secretary of the People's Bureau of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Addis Ababa / Ethiopia
Dear Ambassador
We Eritreans who are in here Addis Ababa, to participate for the national conference for democratic change in Eritrea, organized by the Eritrean Democratic Alliance and Eritrean civic societies in diasporas are really saddened by the torture and ill-treatment of the Eritrean asylum seekers in Libya, by your police and immigration authority. Despite repeated calls by the United Nations Higher Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other International Human Rights Organizations upon your government to stop this outrageous action, it is still continuing.
Your Excellency
Ever since Eritrean independence , Mr. Isaias Afewerki's PFDJ dictatorial regime, has persecuted, tortured and arrested any individual or group of individuals: war disabled veterans, journalists, youth, elderly, parents, religious leaders, reformers, university students and more who were in any position to exercise their basic freedoms and civil liberties.
Furthermore, the National Service in our nation (Eritrea) is supposed to last for a year and half. However, in reality, this National Service has no end; hundreds of thousands are still serving for years on hard slave labor camps in pretext of National Service and National Development Campaign. This endless military service and forced conscription have caused mass exodus of our youth from nation to neighboring countries and much further beyond (including your country Egypt), since they don't see any future with the dictatorial regime except for forced slave labor camp or prison. Therefore, our youth and people who are fleeing from, Mr. Isaias Afewerki's PFDJ repressive regime, needs your protection not further abuse or killing and ill treatment of your police and immigration authority.
Your Excellency
We will be always thankful for your government and to the peoples of Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the vital support during our struggle for independence of our nation Eritrea. However, the present acts of torture and ill-treatment of Eritrean asylum seekers by the Libyan police and immigration authority in Libya is immoral disgustful and should stop immediately. According to the recent report by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other International Human Rights Organizations there are many Eritrean asylum detainees including dozens of minors, some of whom were born in detention centers such as Misratah, some 200km east of the capital Tripoli, and al-Marj, some 1,000km east of Tripoli. In addition the reports indicated recently an Eritrean government representative from Eritrean Embassy in Libya was allowed to enter the detention centers and the Eritrean asylum seekers were forced to
fill in repatriation forms and those who refused to cooperate, they have been physically abused and some are still kept in solitary confinement, this is a violation of the framework of the African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, Article 11 of Libya's Constitutional Declaration of 1969 states that "The extradition of political refugees is prohibited." Article 21 of Law No. 20 of 1991 on the Promotion of Freedom states that:"The Great Jamahiriya is a refuge for oppressed people and those struggling for freedom and, therefore, refugees seeking protection may not be surrendered to any authority." Therefore, we are urging your government abide by its own declaration and stop giving access the representative Mr. Isaias Afewerki's PFDJ dictatorial regime whom the asylum seekers fled for fear of persecution and torture in the first place.
Your Excellency With this appeal, we are respectfully calling on your government to immediately stop, the torture and ill-treatment of the Eritrean asylum seekers in Libya, by your police and immigration authority, and set them free from these horrible detention centers.
We look forward to hearing back from you, as we look forward to the time when we Eritrean people can freely exercise the freedom and civil liberty to which we are entitled.
Sincerely Yours,
Bashir Ishaq
Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of National Conference for Democratic Change 1143(1110)
Addis Ababa/Ethiopia
Phone: 251-911-46-5229
Copy to:
Mr Antonio Guterres
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt
H.E. Dr. Jean PING
African Union Headquarters P.O. Box 3243
Roosevelt Street W21K19,
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Fax:(251) 11 5513036
E-mail: chairperson@africa-union.
A Protest letter against the forced repatriation, killing and ill-treatment of Eritrean asylum seekers by the Egyptian border guards, police and immigration authority in Egypt
Saturday, July 31, 2010
H.E. Mr. Tarek Ghoneim
Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Permanent Representative to the AU & ECA,
Addis Ababa/ Ethiopia
Dear Ambassador
We Eritreans who are in here Addis Ababa, to participate for the national conference for democratic change in Eritrea, organized by the Eritrean Democratic Alliance and Eritrean civic societies in diasporas are really saddened by the forced repatriation, killing and ill-treatment of the Eritrean asylum seekers in Egypt, by your border guards, police and immigration authority. Despite repeated calls by the United Nations Higher Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other International Human Rights Organizations upon your government to stop this outrageous action still is continuing.
Your Excellency
Ever since the Eritrean independence, Mr. Isaias Afewerki's PFDJ dictatorial regime, has persecuted, tortured and arrested any individual or group of individuals: war disabled veterans, journalists, youth, elderly, parents, religious leaders, reformers, university students and more who were in any position to exercise their basic freedoms and civil liberties.
Furthermore, the National Service in our nation (Eritrea) is supposed to last for a year and half. However, in reality, this National Service has no end; hundreds of thousands are still serving for years on hard slave labor camps in pretext of National Service and National Development Campaign. This endless military service and forced conscription have caused mass exodus of our youth from nation to neighboring countries and much further beyond (including your country Egypt), since they don't see any future with the dictatorial regime except for forced slave labor camp or prison. Therefore, our youth and people who are fleeing from, Mr. Isaias Afewerki's PFDJ repressive regime, needs your protection not further abuse or killing and ill treatment of your border guards and police.
Your Excellency
We will be always thankful for your government and to the peoples of Egypt for the vital support during our struggle for independence of our nation Eritrea. However, the present acts of forced repatriation, ill treatment and killing our fellow citizens by your border
guards, police and immigration authority is immoral disgustful and should stop immediately.
Your Excellency
With this appeal, we are respectfully calling on your government to immediately stop, all forced repatriation, ill treatment and killing our fellow citizens by your border guards, police, and give unlimited and immediate access to UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Egypt to assess their asylum situations. As you are well aware, as signatory of the 1951 UN Convention against torture your government is obligated to respect the rights of all refugees.
We look forward to hearing back from you, as we look forward to the time when we Eritrean people can freely exercise the freedom and civil liberty to which we are entitled.
Sincerely Yours,
Bashir Ishaq
Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of National Conference for Democratic Change 1143(1110)
Addis Ababa/Ethiopia
Phone: 251-911-46-5229
Copy to:
Mr Antonio Guterres United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt SUISSE
H.E. Dr. Jean PING
African Union Headquarters
P.O. Box 3243
Roosevelt Street W21K19,
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Fax:(251) 11 5513036