
Letter to the President of the Federal States of Somalia

The letter below  to the Somalian President was written in June 2013. Following last week's adoption of a resolution to establish a Commission of Inquiry, to investigate the human rights violations by the government of Eritrea since the independence. I have decided to repost it

The resolution, which was adopted by consensus on Friday, 27 June 2014, at the Human Rights Council was Sponsored by France and Somalia, and Cosponsored by Austria, Djibouti, Estonia, Hungary, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Maldives, Netherlands, Norway, Maldives, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

On behalf of the oppressed people of Eritrea, I thank those governments that sponsored and cosponsored the resolution, particularly the Somalian Government and H.E. Mr Yusuf Mohamed Ismail, the Somali Ambassador to the UN in Geneva. The honorable Ambassador  has proved himself a true friend of the Eritrean people through his tireless and courageous work and advocacy to raise the human rights situation in Eritrea at the UN level.

Elsa Chyrum

30 June 2014

H.E. Prof. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud
The President of the Federal States of Somalia

Via : Email

13 June 2013

Your Excellency,

I would like to take this opportunity to deeply thank you for your Government's principled positions at the United Nations in Geneva, which are a huge credit to your administration and your country.

I have been particularly impressed by your ongoing leadership with respect of two resolutions at the 23rd regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council; one on the human rights situation in Eritrea and the other on attacks and discrimination against Persons with Albinism (PWA).

As you know, Somalia support for their Brotherly people of Eritrea has remained strong for many years. You may recall that the Government led by the late President Mohamed Siyad Barre was determined to support the Eritrean people's self determination. Even the Somali opposition groups which were based in Ethiopia at that time never condemned the support given to the Eritrean people, although they were under a lot of pressure by the then Mengistu’s regime.

The Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia is no longer a Transitional Government, but went through elections and formed a Government, and put in a place a Constitution and a new Parliament. Eritrea on the other hand has been badly governed by a Transitional Government for the last 22 years, with no Constitution, Parliament or Independent Judiciary system, and has recently refused to implement two decisions of the African Commission for Human and Peoples' rights (250/02 Liesbeth Zegveld and Mussie Ephrem vs. Eritrea and 275/03 Article 19 vs. Eritrea).

Somalia played an important role during the adoption by consensus of resolution A/HRC/RES/20/20 on the human rights situation in Eritrea at the 20th session of the UN Human Rights Council in July 2012. Your renewed support for the second Eritrea Resolution at the Human Rights Council in June 2013 sent a powerful message of support and solidarity to the Eritrean people who continue to suffer grievous violations of their rights and their dignity. It also opened the door for further technical assistance for the Eritrean Transitional Government to help to improve the lives of its citizens.

Similarly, your Government led on an historic Resolution which has been adopted by consensus today that seeks to address the horrific and awful situation facing the Persons with Albinism, who are chopped-off, murdered and eaten in many countries around the world, especially in some African countries, for their supposed "magical properties".

Thanks to your Government's firm stand on these noble issues, not for geopolitical or economic reasons, but on the basis of justice and in answer to distress, Somalia is increasingly being hailed in its remarkable, responsible leadership and capacity at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

And finally a very special thanks to your very Distinguished Ambassador H.E. Mr. Yusuf Mohamed Ismail "Bari Bari" at the United Nations in Geneva who is courageous and compelling, but also always sensitive and a true diplomat of the highest order.

Despite Somalia's current challenges, the Eritrean people still need your support. However I am very confident that your country will continue to show strong leadership on this issue and others, and for that you have my praise and admiration along with that of Eritreans around the world. Your support for the Eritrean people, for the fundamental rights of the Persons with Albinism, and for others, will not be forgotten.

May GOD the Almighty bless you and your country.


Respectfully yours,

Elsa Chyrum


Human Rights Concern - Eritrea