
Bologna Summit 2013 Outcomes

(Bologna, Italy – September 1, 2013)

This press release contains the final outcomes of the summit held in Bologna, Italy from August 30th to September 1st, 2013 to empower pro-democracy forces in Eritrea and to help bring about change from inside the country. The event was conducted under the theme “Eritrean Solutions for Eritrean Problems” and after extensive, open and democratic debates, the summit concluded successfully with an agreement to form a task force that will implement its recommendations.

It is true that the theme “Eritrean Solutions for Eritrean Problems” has gripped the attention of the Eritrean political landscape for a while and has been a subject of heated and educational debates. However, in spite of some contentious arguments in the cyberspace based on misinterpreted meaning of the theme before the actual event, for those who attended the summit its meaning was very clear. For the Eritreans who gathered in Bologna from all over Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia, the theme meant that they have the moral and patriotic duty to take initiatives that will help solve their country’s problems. The fact that the summit was conducted within an inviting, calm and cordial atmosphere is indeed a testament to this basic understanding.

Finally, the summit successfully concluded upon issuing the following outcomes.

1) The PFDJ regime, which is controlled by a handful of individuals, is the primary enemy of the Eritrean people.

2) We all have a duty to embolden forces within Eritrea, using every available communication network and every other resource we have.

3) We call upon everyone to encourage the Eritrean public to actively play a part in solving the country’s issues and to remember that we should not wait for other forces to do it for us. Knowing that we have yet to see an adequate solution fit for meeting the challenges, we have a duty to awaken our own fighting spirit and boldly stand to defeat the dictatorial regime of Isaias Afeworki.

Seeking support for our cause from the international community is indeed acceptable; however, Eritreans should have complete control of their own struggle and affairs.

4) Taking full advantage of mass communication tools and focusing on the Eritrean masses, we should make concerted effort to communicate our goals and broadcast our slogans in every Eritrean language possible.

5) Bologna should continue to serve as a forum for planning and evaluating our work. Going forward (in the next year), the Summit gives the mandate and full responsibility to EYSC (Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change), the organization that initiated this first summit, to take a leading role in organizing future events.

6) In order to remove the primary enemy of the Eritrean people, we should pull all our collective resources and use a means of struggle that embraces everyone, one that is least costly and one that empowers democratic forces inside Eritrea.

7) It is to be recalled that the Eritrean people have a proud and recent history that defeated mighty outside forces. We honor the generation who have played a part in that struggle and we are grateful to their continued contribution.

Recalling that the Eritrean people have a strong culture of respect and tolerance, we should use this tradition as a solid means to narrow the gap among activists and create opportunities where diverse ideas can be accommodated.

9) Acknowledging that we have not fully engaged the international community, the Summit recommends that we use all legal and diplomatic avenues to present our case and garner support for our cause.

10) We firmly believe that the fissures among activist groups can be resolved amicably.

11) We believe that it is our collective duty to do everything we can to save the lives of our refugee brothers and sisters and advocate for their safety.

Victory to the peace and justice deprived Eritrean People!

Eternal glory and gratitude to our martyrs!

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