Warning: You are in BREACH of your Asylum Conditions, if you are a PFDJ Supporter!
Most of us Eritreans live here in the UK having gained, asylum under the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. To be recognised as a refugee, we have all claimed we left our country and are unable to go back because we have a well-founded fear of persecution. When recognised as a refugee, we are given asylum and a residence permit, allowing us to enter or stay in the UK for an initial period of 5 years. At the end of the five year period, an active review will be required if we make an application for further limited or indefinite leave to remain. The review is carried out in more details for cases where there is evidence to suggest that one deceived the authorities in order to be recognised as a refugee; this includes circumstances where the applicant doesn’t really have a wellfounded fear of persecution from the government that they are seeking protection from.
In our cases this means those people, who continue to have close relationships with the government, making financial contribution, collaborating as operatives in its activities in the UK and participatig in meetings and events without restrictions. We believe anyone in these categories is in serious breech of the conditions of the provisions of the refugee convention. It has come to our attention that several people participating in the forthcoming YPFDJ events and in the wider activities conducted by the regime in Eritrea are asylum seekers and refugees who have claimed asylum based on their needs for protection from the Government of Eritrea. We are particularly dismayed by the activities of some of those people in intimidating and informing on the activities of Activists opposed to the regime in Eritrea. We have been following several cases and have identified many people who need to be made aware that their activities have reached a level beyond that which, can be tolerated in any normal society (see appendix i). We have had discussions with the police and we have also taken out legal advice on our options (see enclosed document) and have identified ways forward for informing the UK Boarder Agency (UKBA).
We have been told that although in many cases an active review will be conducted on the papers without the need for interview, an interview may be necessary, where evidence comes to light that places in doubt information previously provided by the applicant, e.g. the applicant’s credibility or the veracity of their fear of persecution. As mentioned above we have compiled conclusive evidence against several operatives of the regime and will not hesitate to present these to the UKBA as evidence against the claim of these individuals’ case for protection under the provisions of the Refugee Convention.
We have set up working groups in all major cities in the UK, have set up our criteria for contacting the UKBA and have opened channels with the relevant sections of the Agency. The main, purpose of this letter is to warn every Eritrean to take note of their activities in light of the above and make sure that they stay within the provisions of their asylum when dealing with the regime in Eritrea, as we will no longer tolerate the wilful abuse of the provisions of the Convention by people who use the protection to abuse us and our compatriots.
Eritreans for Justice - UK
Appendix i
Name and picture / Brief biographical detail |
UKBI referral
Sh01/03/AT Amanuel Tesfay |
![]() Amanuel Tesfay is a taxi driver who lives in Sheffield. He entered the UK in 2003 from South Africa and made a claim for
political asylum upon arrival. However once he’s in the UK he resumed his involvement with the PFDJ (Eritrea’s only ruling
party), working with the YPFDJ (the party’s youth league). This photo was taken at YPFDJ event, click on the link below
http://picasaweb.google.com/meadna1/ YPFDJYOUTHGATHERING2010JAN#5430828054052775522
Last known Address: 291 Washington Road, Sheffield, S118DR Mobile: 07944609382
Ready for referral | |
Sh02/06/YS Yonas Solomon |
Yonas Solomon is thought to have moved to Sheffield recently. His last known, UK address was 21 Rosebery Street, Rotherham S61 1DX. He was resident of Pazzano in Italy using an Eritrean passport from 1999 until he entered the UK illegally in 2006 and claimed political asylum. When he was granted refugee status he started to work for the regime operating from Sheffield by mobilizing financial support and organising meetings on behalf of the embassy in London.
Currently he works as a taxi driver (Reg.No: BU04 AVE).But he is known to the o South Yorkshire Police and members of the Eritrean community for his unsavory attitude and behaviour. On 12th September 2012 he was accused of committing a criminal offence by causing physical harm to an Eritrean activist (Incident No: 518)
This picture shows him taking pictures of protestors outside an Eritrean Government sponsored meeting (the Ambassador can be seen in the background too)
Ready for referral | |
Sh03/04/SO Solomon Okbasion |
Solomon Okbasion left Eritrea for Israel using an Eritrean passport in 1997. He remained there until he came to the UK illegally around 2004. Following his claim for asylum he was placed in Plymouth, but his asylum claim was dismissed.
In 2010 he moved to Sheffield where he started a family and might be staring a business imminently (Fre-Hiwet Habeshan Restaurant at 35 Exchange Street, Sheffield, S2 5TR), however his source of income is unclear and it is suspected that he has profiteered from benefits fraud and theft from his employers.
Solomon is a renowned supporter of the Eritrean regime, often using violence against membes of the resistance movement. On 10th December 2012 he was found guilty of assaulting an activist along with his accomplices at Sheffield Magistrates Court. The UKBA have already refused his Naturalisation application owing his criminal behavious. However the whole basis of his claim for remaining in the UK should be reviewed based on his associations with the regime
Consequently his residence permit issued under Legacy Case due to the length of time he spent in the UK has been attached to his Eritrean passport issued in London.
under observation |
Lon01/08/MG Mussie Goitom |
Mussie Goitom (pictured here with a visiting singer at a PFDJ sponsored event), lives in North London and has been in the UK for 4 or 5 years. He is in the construction business, (driving a cement mixer).
Mussie is notorious for his aggressive stand against Eritreans opposed to the Government. In 2012 he was arrested, at a rally outside the embassy, for provocative and aggressive behaviour.
Ready for referral | |
Lon02/00/RM Robel Michael (aka Sami Tekle) |
![]() Robel lives in Hammersmith West London and hasn’t got regular employment. Robel Michael is actually the name that he uses in the UK, but he is otherwise known as Sami Tekle.
He has very close association with the Embassy in London and is their main informant when it comes to activities of opposition groups in West London and particularly the youth led organisations. He also attempts to recruit young people on behalf of PFDJ and YPFDJ. Robel has a violent streak, that has earned him a custodial sentence when he got into a brawl at Dahlak Eritrean Restaurant in South London.
Ready for referral | |
Sh04/03/AF Arkan Fessehaye (AKA Tesfamariam) |
![]() Arkan Fessehaye, known previously by his other name Tesfamariam, of 39 Parkview Road, Sheffield, S6 2AU, entered the UK on a scholarship Visa sponsored by the Eritrean regime in 2000. Upon completion of his 2 years study at Bristol University he failed to return to Eritrea, and subsequently made a claim for political asylum under his current name (false name) Arkan . When he was granted status he exercised his rights to family reunion and brought his wife and two sons into the UK in 2005. He has been the cause of much division among the Eritrea community I Sheffield until he seized his involvement there in 2007
However he continues his collaboration and blind support for the regime in Eritrea, attacking fellow Eritreans at meetings even at non Eritrean meetings, often calling them traitors and foreign spies. He will be attending YPFDJ Conference due to be held from 28th March to 01 April 2013. For more details please click on link: http://adalvoice.wordpress.com/2013/02/04/
Ready for referral | |
Sh05/01/SR Saeed Saleh Romedan |
Saeed Saleh Romedan of Flockton Court, Rockingham Street, Sheffield, S1 4EB, arrived in the UK from Turkey via Syria in 2001. Once in the UK he claimed asylum as a Somali National despite the fact he could hardly speak any Somali. He was refused asylum up until 2011 when he was granted discretionary leave under legacy case. In 2012 he travelled to Eritrea and returned to Sheffield without difficulty.
Saeed was instrumental in organizing public meetings for the Eritrean embassy between 2003 and 2010 probably as a favour for his relative the previous Consul, Saleh (Junubi). Alongside this he is a major an informant utilisig skills he gained from training is Iraq.
Ready for referral | |
Le01/03/SM Samuel Melake |
![]() Samuel Melake, pictured here with the Ambassador, has been residing in Leeds for nearly 10 years. He claimed political asylum on arrival but continued his associations with the Eritrea Embassy operatives in Leeds. He is eve rumoured to earns undisclosed income regularly from the regime.
In Asmara Samuel used to run a Café, but was never called up or a military service, probably because he used to work for the National Security Services until they sent him to Europe, presumably Italy first then the UK to carry out intelligence work amongst the Eritrean diaspora. His main activity is recruiting supporters for the regime, this he does by exploiting the religious and regional difference elements among Eritreans.
He orchestrated almost all the regime’s ‘public’ meetings held in Leeds causing, community disintegration, division and hatred.
He travelled to Eritrea at the end of 2011 to receive further training and instructions from the Eritrean Foreign Intelligence part of the National Security Department. |
Ready for referral | |
Dawit Zekarias (AKA Germastion
Zekarias Gebremariam
![]() Dawit Zekarias also known as Germastion Zekarias Gebremariam lives at Kerry House, Windsor Street, Coventry. He entered the UK from Italy about 6 years ago. He claimed asylum on arrival and immediately established links with the PDFJ embassy in London along with his accomplices, like YPFDJ representative in Coventry Shekay, previously known as Akheza.
Dawit’s Primary task is gathering information on Eritreans and relaying them to the Embassy in London. He has also been exploiting Ethic and religious divides to weaken solidarity among the Eritrean community in Coventry and the surrounding areas.
under observation |
Appendix ii (Legal Copy of Advice)
Click to enlarge