Save the date, June 19

By Eritrean Democratic Alliance North America Zone (EDA-NA Zone)
It has now become obvious to all Eritreans in Diaspora that the present regime in Asmara is determined to dismantle everything positive that has made Eritrea and Eritreans a resilient law abiding and justice loving people. The damage on our society has reached the point if not reversed the very survival of our people and country itself is at stake.
It is high time that all Eritreans become proactive and make their opposition to this crime a widely organized public affair. There is nothing more direct and visible than organizing a widely attended public demonstration. All sectors of our Diaspora community have a national duty to pull together and make this happen.
To this end, EDA encourages all Eritreans in North America to start mobilizing and organizing their respective community to attend the Historic June 19, 2009 demonstration in Washington DC. Everyone who clearly understands the dire condition in Eritrean could not afford to miss this demonstration. It is time we stand up and defend our people.
We encourage all political organizations which are not members of EDA to take this historic event as a genuine vehicle of opportunity to fully participate in the June 19, 2009 protest march and help send a clear message of hope to the people of Eritrea. Please save June 19, 2009 and pledge to be in DC.
EDA believes the damages being done by the Eritrean Regime on Eritrea and the Eritrean people are too vast and too humongous to be left for chance and miracle to solve. It needs the conscious proactive participation of all of us in North America. This historic demonstration has to be the direct concern of all of us. Everybody’s input is needed. All sectors of our community are encouraged to make a worthy effort to attend this event. Let us start organizing for the march!
EDA-North America Zone
April 10, 2009