
The Eritrean- Swedish Partnership for Democracy consisting political and civil organizations conducted today Wednesday 18th May a huge rally under a theme, “Eritrea 20 years in Slavery”

A large number of pro-democracy forces have taken to the streets of Stockholm and marched towards the Swedish Parliament chanting democratic slogans and distributing pamphlets to the by-passers on the brutal situation of the Eritrean people under the tyranny of the one-man rule.

The gathering started at five o’clock in the afternoon and ended at seven local time in the evening.

Invited guest speakers were Parliamentarians from Foreign relations Committee, thus social democratic party, Liberal party, green party and moderates. Solidarity speeches were delivered by four them.

Mrs. Carina Hägg from social democratic party delivered a speech encouraging the democratic forces and condemning the brutality against the Eritrean people. She stressed that the Eritrean human rights situation need international attention and should not be shadowed by the Libyan and other Middle East crisis.

Mr. Fredrik Malm from Liberal party told the demonstrators that their party is always on the side of the Eritrean people and called the EU to stop the assistance to the government of Eritrea.

Mrs. Bodil Ceballos from Green party delivered her speech and stressed that Green party will support the Eritrean people’s struggle for democracy and human rights and the case of Eritrean refugees to get their rights for asylum.

Mr. Kristian Holm from  the Moderates focused on the human rights abuses in Eritrea and the absence of the rule of law. He stressed that the government in Eritrea must respect human rights and abide by the international conventions.

From the Eritrean side speeches were delivered by the young Eritreans among them were,

Akram a young Eritrean grown in Sweden stressed the miserable situation of the youth in Eritrea under a cruel and brutal regime. Fatima Feres a young girl briefed the situation in Eritrea and remembered those who lost their lives in the dungeons of the dictator.

Mr. Omer Abubeker Chairman of the Committee for national congress- Sweden Branch delivered his speech in Arabic and Swedish language commemorating the past 20 years of indignity and human rights abuses in Eritrea.

The organizers have submitted a petition to the Swedish Parliament and Government,

Demanding them that they take legal action against the supporters of the dictator in Sweden,

Urging the Swedish Parliament and Government that the Resolution sanction taken in 2009 against the regime in Eritrea must be in effect immediately.

And, increase their pressure that the regime in Eritrea releases all political prisoners. Finally they appealed that Sweden must exert its pressure on the EU to support the pro-democracy forces in Eritrea.

Media Coverage

The rally was attended by the Swedish media both newspapers like Expressen and DN/ Daily News and Sweden Television.

The Swedish Media will publish a 20 years assessment of Eritrea in the near future and expose all abuses inside Eritrea.