Disclaimer - Image in video from Sudan represents conditions of despair similar to those of families and children affected by PFDJ destruction of their homes in Adi Keyih and other towns and villages of Eritrea.

The town of Adi Keyh is besieged by PFDJ troops who turned into piles of rubble 30 homes on Sunday alone. One man committed suicide due to the destruction of his family's residence. 

Fearing a popular uprising, government officials have prevented the locals from going to the mosque or attending church services.

The level of cruelty exhibited was such that the people suspect the troops might be members of the Ethiopian opposition movement known as Demhit, the Tigray People Democratic Movement (TPDM).

There's fear in the region that similar demotion of homes might take place in the towns of Segeneiti and Senafe.

In the last few weeks, residents in Asmara and the outlying areas have lost their homes which the government claims were built without permit. The decision to demolish property long after completion has resulted in widespread resentment of the regime.