
Early day motion 544


  • Session: 2014-15
  • Date tabled: 24.11.2014
  • Primary sponsor: Corbyn, Jeremy
  • Sponsors:
    • Teather, Sarah


  • Evans, Nigel
  • Lucas, Caroline
  • Robertson, Angus
  • Durkan, Mark

Total number of signatures: 41

Abbott, Diane Anderson, David Blackman, Bob Bottomley, Peter
Campbell, Ronnie Caton, Martin Corbyn, Jeremy Cryer, John
Dowd, Jim Durkan, Mark Edwards, Jonathan Evans, Nigel
George, Andrew Godsiff, Roger Hancock, Mike Hermon, Lady
Hopkins, Kelvin Huppert, Julian Jackson, Glenda Leech, John
Llwyd, Elfyn Lucas, Caroline McDonnell, Alasdair McDonnell, John
McGovern, Jim McInnes, Liz Meale, Alan Ritchie, Margaret
Robertson, Angus Rotheram, Steve Roy, Lindsay Sanders, Adrian
Shannon, Jim Sharma, Virendra Skinner, Dennis Stunell, Andrew
Teather, Sarah Ward, David Weir, Mike Williams, Hywel
Willott, Jenny      

That this House condemns the human rights abuses perpetuated by the government of Eritrea, including arbitrary arrest and detention and compulsory military service imposed on all able-bodied men, women and even children, which has led to an unprecedented exodus of Eritreans, now reaching 5,000 a month, fleeing their country as refugees to Europe on a precarious journey, including the recent tragedy at Lampedusa, which is costing hundred of lives; notes with concern the collusion between the government of Eritrea and the international mining companies from the UK, Canada and Australia, which is using the forced labour of Eritreans for work in extractive industries in conditions which have been described as abject slavery by Human Rights Watch and other campaigning non-governmental organisations; and calls on the government of Eritrea to honour the international human rights treaties to which it is a party and allow, without further prevarication and delay, a visit from the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Eritrea in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.