
Stockholm, November 22, 2011:- Eritrean activist and journalist Meron Estefanos has sued the Swedish Police (Policemyndigheten) expressing her concern regarding their barring activities against members of the opposition whenever Eritrean government supporters meetings are held.

Speaking on the issue, Ms. Estefanos outlined that on previous instances, supporters of the Eritrean government held meetings from which opposition members of the government were barred from participating in by the Swedish police.

"Whenever an Eritrean Diplomat of a Government delegate is holding a meeting with Eritrean nationals residing in the diaspora, they only hold it with the loyal supporters of the Government, always shunning out the members of the opposition because we ask important questions, about the objective situation in the homeland." Said Meron.

" I am an Eritrean as much as anyone inside those halls, why can't I participate in a meeting concerning my country?" she inquired.

Ms. Estefanos also went on to add that she has been forced to bring up charges against the Policemyndigheten as they have been instrumental in assisting the government supporters in holding closed meetings, which she said is an infringement of her rights according to Swedish Constitution.

With an insight into Meron's logic, the Swedish Police have expressed their keen interest in  reversing their roles in those meetings concerning Eritrean nationals.

I was told that from now onward, they will be inside the meeting halls instead of outside and will also allow us to participate in the meetings while at the same time taking part in those meetings. said Meron.

Ms. Estefanos finally concluded her remarks by saying that this trend and logic should be applied everywhere else by Eritrean youth every where in democratic countries.

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