
The second installment on the Ministry of Information's deep analysis on the Mideast unrest has just arrived. And, guys, you won't be disappointed. This time Truth has been really served: not only does the PFDJ applaud the Libyan and Egyptian uprisings as just revolutions against the global forces of hegemony and all forms of dictatorship, it also claims that the All Wise and Farsighted Supreme Leader Isaias Afwerki had prophesied about it long ago. In His immense farsightedness, His Excellency did forecast - to the minute details - that this would happen soon. In the memorable words of, here is how it goes:

“A casual glance into past records reveals very interesting forecasts as regards future developments. It is to be recalled that in his address to the nation on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Independence Day, President Isaias Afwerki gave in-depth analysis on the objective international situation and future prospects. He outlined the injustices being perpetuated on the peoples of the world on the part of the forces of domination and hegemony resulting in mounting political and security crises around the globe. The President analyzed the direction that such scenario would lead to as follows: ‘It is indisputable that the changing balance of forces, the dynamic changes being witnessed in the world economy, the growing awareness of the international public and the subsequent rebuff waged against the force of domination are bound to eventually succeed.’ Indeed, the world is witnessing the emergence of various developments over the past couple of years attesting to the demise of the hegemonic epoch.”

But it is not only that; His Excellency Isaias Afwerki has also come out strongly against any form of dictatorship in the region, be it family-based or otherwise:

“Hence, the current popular uprisings in various corners of the world, especially North Africa and the Middle East are an additional indication of the growing popular awareness. In brief, the ongoing opposition against dictatorship, plunder and family-based governments constitute a historical juncture in which citizens are calling an end to domination and exploitation.”

Indeed, blessed is Eritrea to have such a wise and farsighted leadership! But could we ask just one question: Why the hell has His Excellency been shuttling back and forth to Libya and Egypt whenever trouble has been brewing at home and in the neighborhood in the last 15 years? How many times have Kaddafi and Mubarak bailed Him out? Could his Excellency please respond to that question. Mr President, time to drop old friends, eh?

Guys, we don’t want to spoil the show for you. Watch the FARCE as it unfolds. Below is the second installment as posted in

Popular Uprising: Eve of the End of Era of Domination and Transition to New World Order

Part 1

As of late, the world is witnessing economic and political explosions in various parts of the globe that apparently appear to be new phenomenon but in essence were beneath the surface. Such upsurge of popular uprising in the beginning of 2011, especially in North Africa and the Middle East is becoming the main focus of international media outlets. However, as the reports being disseminated by various international media organs not only mainly concentrate on daily events but their analyses are also in tune with their overt or covert agendas, their coverage does not at all portray complete and accurate picture of the real situation.  

Under such circumstance, it is of vital importance to read the actual state of affairs as regards international developments and realities rather than floating on the cover-ups. Highlighting the accurate national, regional and international factors that gave rise to these developments is of paramount significance as it raises people’s awareness.  

A casual glance into past records reveals very interesting forecasts as regards future developments. It is to be recalled that in his address to the nation on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Independence Day, President Isaias Afwerki gave in-depth analysis on the objective international situation and future prospects. He outlined the injustices being perpetuated on the peoples of the world on the part of the forces of domination and hegemony resulting in mounting political and security crises around the globe. The President analyzed the direction that such scenario would lead to as follows: “It is indisputable that the changing balance of forces, the dynamic changes being witnessed in the world economy, the growing awareness of the international public and the subsequent rebuff waged against the force of domination are bound to eventually succeed.” Indeed, the world is witnessing the emergence of various developments over the past couple of years attesting to the demise of the hegemonic epoch.

Obviously, the US-driven political and economic order that remained in force at the global level basically focused on amassing huge wealth without pondering over the end result. In line with this blind pursuit, a few owners of capital and their agents in a number of countries have been ruthlessly exploiting the limited resources of our planet in gross violation of the principles of justice and fairness. This boundless greed resulted in immense damage to the peoples of the world. In other respects too, the large-scale military adventurism, political interference and economic conspiracy plunged citizens around the world in turmoil, poverty and other predicaments.    

If at all the world has registered any economic growth, that only applies to the handful of capitalists; the masses across continents have nothing to do with that. The world economic growth figures disseminated by certain financial institutions are in gross contrast with the billions of peoples living below 1 dollar a day earnings. Although some investment   flow from the North to the South has created limited employment, such job opportunities are nonetheless very low in payment and lacking guarantee.  Moreover, the deliberate flow of  nationals from the countryside to the urban centers has grossly undermined agricultural production and pastoralism.  Hence, the root cause of abject deprivation of citizens worldwide lies on unlimited search for wealth on the part of the few.

It is to be recalled that the bankruptcy witnessed as regards giant banks and stock markets leading to global economic meltdown in 2008 is the outcome of the accumulated problems resulting from the blind pursuit of domination and adventurism. It is to be noted that a phenomenon of this kind is but the outcome of the unjust international economic order. In other respects too, a political order resting on exploitation and adventurism is bound to ultimately collapse basically due to the fact that people cannot endure subjugation and plunder forever. In other words, the entire planet cannot continue for an unspecified span of time under an adventurous unipolar system at global level. Even the American people cannot accept this policy of hegemony.

The opposition to such unjust world economic and political order on the part of people everywhere has been going on in one way or the other for many years. In meetings which the prevailing international financial and trade institutions in charge of the aforementioned economic order have been holding, citizens of the western countries have been staging demonstrations against the strategy of monopoly. At a time when the World Trade Organization (WTO) met in the US city of Seattle in 1999, there took place popular uprising characterized with violence. Similarly, it is common to witness oppositions at the annual G-8 meetings. The same holds true of the opposition voiced at the annual commemoration of the International Workers Day.

Hence, the current popular uprisings in various corners of the world, especially North Africa and the Middle East are an additional indication of the growing popular awareness. In brief, the ongoing opposition against dictatorship, plunder and family-based governments constitute a historical juncture in which citizens are calling an end to domination and exploitation.

Although the current popular uprisings differs from country to country, the root cause cannot be seen in isolation from the other. The fundamental cause remains the unjust world economic and political order. It is worth noting that the existing social misery and suppression in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North and Latin America are the aftermath of the strategy of domination and plunder.

The surge of mass uprising in the Arab world, particularly in countries like Egypt that maintained close political, economic, military and security ties with the US (in what Washington claims partners in the war against terror) reveals a number of truths. Although the burden has been felt by the people around the world, the main victims have been the nationals of those countries that own rich natural resources. Why the popular uprising in the Arab world? In order to wholly comprehend the factors for that, one needs to have a look at the historical background of these countries. If one takes Egypt for example, it represents the existing reality in the Arab world. For that reason, the next article would focus on Egypt which has strategic significance both regionally and beyond, and a country that has been playing leading role in the politics of the Middle East.