Black September Week: and Eritrea's Missing $1 billion II
Black September Week and Eritrea's Missing $1 billion II
September 18, 2001, the dark day has become to symbolise the flickering light of hope for freedom and justice in Eritrea grew considerably dimmer. September 2001 was a make or break year for Eritrea; It was a month that marked the start of an era of one man dictatorship and political liquidation.
If we are “number one in Africa” as the self-appointed President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki once said, surely Eritrea then is number one in Africa maybe even the world with over 10,000 prisoners of conscience.
To be silent and do nothing against injustice is to spread injustice. The injustice already spread to over 10,000 and most probably more an accounted prisoners of conscience and victims of senseless brutality yet to uncover.
They absolutely refused to further enable the cause of injustice by standing against PIA an his henchmen, hence sacrificing their only life for betterment of Eritrea.
As citizens of Eritrea we must set the tone for justice by speaking out for those who sacrificed everything for freedom and justice.
The flickering light of hope for freedom and justice in Eritrea is shining considerably dimmer than before 2001, but as our history and history from around the world testifies the flame of hope for freedom and justice is eternal and it can never be put out. It is just a matter of time before justice prevails over injustice ones more.
ERITREA’S MISSING $1 BILLION II (ሰራቒ ሞባአ ባዕሉ ይላፋለፍ). Part I Click Here
PIA interview (Youtube Video).
Summary note of the interview: Click here
Interviewing a tyrant is not an easy task for any aspiring journalist; especially if the tyrant is your very own boss, a well-known anti journalist, anti-intellect and anti-freedom then that makes it doubly precarious to conduct meaningful fact based question and answer interview.
The Eri-Tv journalist understood their life hangs on at the mercy of their boss, they know if they upset him in any way they might not live to see the next day. Off course they remember what happened to their fellow journalist that upset the tyrant before. That is why they have to dumb their self-down to sheepish level and be ultra-careful /submissive when interviewing their boss. Challenging the tyrant intellectually will only lead to him sending his death squad to put these smart journalist six feet under. In fact on this month September 2001 he did just that he put hundreds people into underground jails simply because he did not like them as they challenged his views.
When the parasite president asked to address problem with transparency and the “mining revenue speculations, he gave classic defensive body langue of someone who has something to hide) type of reactions when unexpectedly confronted with an issue he doesn’t want to discus at all, as he said it himself, he doesn’t like discussing important matters such as transparency. And then he went on any for his usual verbal abuses and downright utterly nonsensical monologs. ‘ሰራቒ ሞባአ ባዕሉ ይላፋለፍ’
The other day I asked a friend of mine if he had watched the interview he went berserk unsurprisingly and said, “Are you even serious buddy!? I do not want my brain to explode listening to sheer stupidity from such disgusting criminal do I??” I could not blame him or anyone else for that matter for not wanting to endure hours and hours of mental torture listing to highly boring, highly obnoxious interviewee.
PIA spent good deal of time blaming his lower ranking officials for all the corruption and mismanagement of resource in the country. While he is so clean and any sort of corruption is that raising such questions regarding transparency and corruption at the higher levels is a kind of heresy or treason according to him. He literally said “transparency questions are not necessary because everything is on safe pocket/hands”, regarding national finance.
So here you have it folks, the question I posed in the first part of this article regarding where about of the Eritrean mining revenues several weeks back has been addressed by PIA. The tyrant said the mining revenue was smaller than they expected, but do not worry about the mining revenues and the national finance, everything is safe in the pocket and safe hands, nobody can question or force us to disclose information about the mining revenues…
Look Eritrea is hemorrhaging profusely from all sides, yes money and gold is not our main problem. As I said before our people are our gold not that material gold, and we are losing tons of them. Eritrea is losing its gold the people. The material gold under the parasite regime is the enabler, the energy or the fuel for the fire to continue burn the nation.
Stopping the tyrant goes hand and hand with stopping his source of energy/fuel. So I believe it is very important the parasite is starved to death.
Eng. Philmon Habtom
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