
November 17, 2011
H.E Mrs. U. Joy Ogwu
President of the Security Council
United Nations
New York, New York


As the UNSC approaches the final hours of making the historic decision, on the basis of the recommendation of the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group’s July 18, 2011 report to the Sanction Committee, we, the Diaspora based Eritrean Civic organizations,  make a final appeal to the entire Security Council to approve a strong and firm sanction on the leadership of the State of Eritrea,  PFDJ, all entities and individuals that facilitate and advance  the  illegal policies and actions  of the Eritrean government contrary to Resolution 1907.

We would like to bring to the attention of the UNSC members that the last minute maneuvering by the Eritrean President to appear in front of the Security Council (SC) is a delaying tactic. The Eritrean government had plenty of opportunity, from December 23, 2009 to present day, to prove to the SC that it had fully complied with the unambiguous demands enumerated in Resolution 1907.

For almost two years the government of Eritrea has been creating layers of excuses to avoid its responsibility of addressing the demands outlined by resolution 1907. On the contrary, as the Monitoring Group’s extensive and detailed July 18, 2011 report demonstrates, the Eritrean government has increased and expanded its support to groups that are determined to destabilize the entire Horn of Africa region.

The Report is the work of experts designated by SC. The SC has the legal responsibility of basing its decision on facts collected by its experts. Compliance not other tangential issue is the agenda of the SC. 


Had the Eritrean government been serious about its respect for the international body- the UNSC- it had three distinct opportunities to come clean and inform the UN and UNSC that it had complied with Resolution 1907:

1.    When H.E. Mr. Osman Saleh-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea made his statement before the United Nations Security Council Informal Interaction Dialogue on July 19, 2011.
2.    When President Isaias Afeworki addressed the 66th. Session of the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2011.
3.    When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea presented Eritrea’s Response to the Report of the Somalia Eritrea Monitoring Group Report on October 17, 2011.

Unfortunately the pattern of behavior of the Eritrean government and its top leadership is advancing the rhetoric of absolute denial in the face of overwhelming concrete evidences. The underlining question is simple: Has the Eritrean government complied with Resolution 1907 or not. The SC mandated experts report says:  it has not complied. Since that is the case we feel UNSC must adopt and implement the entire recommendation of the Monitoring Group based on the expert’s report.

The Eritrean government request for President Isaias to address the Security Council should not be taken seriously. What is it that the President can explain to the august gathering that his Foreign Minister and top advisor have not said to the UNSC when they were given an opportunity on July 19, 2011 to engage the SC in an Informal Interactive Dialogue or on the Eritrea’s Response of October 17, 2011? No other sanctioned leader has ever been given the opportunity to further consume the time of the Security Council. The SC cannot afford to create a negative precedent.  President Isaias’s request must be denied as a matter of principle.

The Eritrean government leadership has both in its internal and external policy, behavior and actions a total disregard to the fundamental principle of rule of law and accountability.  We take this opportunity to remind the SC that this is the only government that has no constitution 20 years after independence.  To us Eritreans its illegal and adventurous regional and global behavior is a mere reflection of its draconian internal lawless authoritarian “governance”.  We base our appeal on this fundamental understanding.

The UNSC owes the people of Eritrea and the Horn of Africa region a resounding confirmation that it stands with them by expanding and strengthening Resolution 1907 with additional stronger sanction.


Should the UNSC fail to act and deliver a stronger sanction that could send unequivocal message demanding that  the Eritrean government and all its entities must comply with all aspects Resolutions of 1907 and stop being a regional sponsor of terrorist elements; the SC will be responsible for the probability of another devastating regional conflagration.  

It is time to act and stop giving an irresponsible government a breathing space.


Eritrean Global Solidarity (EGS) for Justice, Human Rights and Democracy

Merachew Berhe
Network of Eritrean Civic Societies in Europe (NECS)

Berhan Ahmed
Eritrean Community in Australia Inc

CC: General Secretary Ban Ki Moon
To all Security Council Representatives

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