
When I was pregnant for the first time, it felt like every second woman on the streets (except for my annoyingly slim sisters) was pregnant too…. You see I was kind of primed to look out for women in similar ‘predicament’… before that when I bought my first even car (a Nissan Micra) suddenly the streets of West London were teeming with metallic green Nissan Micras… these days my pc screen seems full of monkeys desperately trying to outdo Yemane Monkey and IA in their ability to play ‘silly Monkey’ in front of the world media (I blame the Monkey Chasing young people)… I am not exaggerating about their ‘silly Monkey’ antic though!… if you don’t believe me look at Alenalki’s coverage of their circus on the streets of Stockholm last week… people were upset about various media outlets’ coverage of Eritrea… did they follow press complaint procedures? I don’t know… did they lodge any legal action (leegg what?)… did they try and answer some of the most pertinent questions (actually one question… where is Dawit Isaac?) Hell NO they took to the streets… clad in their obscene t-shirts depicting a dictator and for double effect carrying framed pictures of him hoisted in mid air….
I watch PFDJ reportages of their events like I used to watch tellytubies when my children were little… feel I have to watch it because I know I have to look out for the subtle messages that I always feel parents need to be vigilant about, but always annoyed at how much of my time the whole kafuffle is taking… besides these days I am finding their events immensely boring… a bit like a rerun of a bad movie that you watched because you couldn’t be bothered to get up and look for the remote control…. Just like when watching telitubies I often find myself honing in on a few things that warrant my undivided attention and processing…
Last week’s event in Sweden was a classic one for that… a guy hoisting a framed  old picture  of IA was being interviewed and I can’t remember what he was saying or what he looked like, but in the background a lady was giving a speech and it was one mind boggling speech accompanied by pandemonium only reserved for PFDJ silliness… she was saying that the Swedes have touched the untouchable… they have touched her Eritrea and she was actually telling them (in Tigrigna) that they really should have come to her before they wrote about Eritrea… the reporters were too busy asking the guy with the IKEA frame about the picture inside, so didn’t focus on this all powerful woman who thinks the international media requires her permission to publish a journalistic account of a country that has some 4 million others living in it....tinky-winky, dipsy and lala were busy clapping their hands raw, to notice the absurdities of all that… then came the woman who was worried about the fact that the coverage on Eritrea is making her small children come back from school crying and she is protesting that!… I wonder how much thought she afforded to the children of Dawit Isaac and the implications of the events of September 18 2001 for them? How stupid do you have to be, to advocate for the silencing of press coverage of the plight of prisoners who haven’t seen their children for over ten years because the said coverage upsets your children?? The silly goon of a journalist didn’t bat an eye over this! Well I will… silly woman… please take your children and their IA t-shirts to Eritrea where they will never ever have to cry their eyes out because the man on their t-shirt (their super hero) is a brutal dictator, who dragged many children’s parents through unimaginable suffering making their children cry for over ten years…bloody useless followers of a dictator!! (yes I am mad… and no you won’t be able to appeal to my sensibilities and of course it helps me to say bloody!!).

 Meanwhile the journalists from the Expressen were trying to interview the ‘protestors’ about the event (and their outlook!), the response is captured in an image that was published on one of the papers… a woman with a clenched feast threatening the journalist for daring to be a journalist…the reporter who was writing about the brutal handling of journalists at the hands of the guy these people support for  dear life, probably thanked her for making his point for him!… the silly goons scored an own goal last Friday and are getting ready to do the same again this week… they are getting all clad and bussed to make our points for us saying: …’we are intolerant of anything or anyone that reminds us of our commitments to human rights!’… if they find you on the streets of Asmara they arrest you…. If they find you on the streets of NYC they push you aside and threaten to slit your throat… if they find you on the streets of Stockholm they threaten you with a clenched feast and vulgar words… Monkey see monkey do!

 But their days are numbered…IA has run out of sweeteners for them and when the contradictions in his system gets too overt to cover up, IA does what he does well… he ditches his followers and finds a new band of cheerleaders… watch this space as YPFDJ disappears… remember PFDJ? Nahhh not the silly sausages in the diaspora whose function is limited to throwing chairs and obscenities at the rest of us… the properly constituted PFDJ which was formed when IA wanted to ditch the tegadelti and hafash widibat who were being a bit difficult… but thenPFDJ actually got ditched in the aftermath of September 18, 2001 (and their unfinished houses lie in ruins as a monument to their greed)… and then few years on YPFDJ was formed, Yemane Monkey’s contribution to Monkey business... initially it was called YGPFDJ (Young and gifted PFDJ and not Yemane Gebreab’s PFDJ I was told at the time!) PFDJ finally dies a quiet and quietly pathetic death… earlier this year YPFDJ (through the Norwegian branch) told the world it has nothing to do with PFDJ and PFDJ whimpered rather inaudibly…

YPFDJ’s role in life is to mitigate any criticism of the regime in Eritrea and to keep young Eritrean refugees from taking action against the system that has blighted their lives… the older YPFDJ focus on the Eritrean resistance and the newly arrived young people, whilst the younger diaspora born kids… respond to some imaginary racist skin head, who has somehow got it all wrong about Eritrea (that is the image of the Westen Media that Sophie has painted for them over the years)… they forget that the voices of dissent come from all corners including from their own brothers and sisters who were in Eritrea and fled for their lives… they carry on chanting Western media this Western Media the other… it is pretty disconcerting listening to them actually because of the mismatch between the persons they are and the rhetoric that comes out of them…now that neither the ‘western media’ nor the ‘young refugees’ have been persuaded by the madly cobbled ideology… IA I am sure will ditch them for someone else…my money is on greedy ‘investors’ … his meeting with ‘business people and professionals’ in Uganda had a certain eerie quality to it…and the word ‘investors’ is creeping up everywhere and soon if IA has his way investors will be the new patriots... and YPFDJ will go shopping for new t-shirts... old PFDJ will have to cobble new lyrics for their gwaila, and ‘investors’ will tell the yesteryear patriots who danced for their country... ‘investing’ is the new black!

Oh yeah before I go… if the 2% tax is sooooo voluntary that people give without any pressure whatsoever and some were saying that they would love to give 10% why is it that the embassy needs to see your tax declaration thingy??? I mean voluntary should be determined by the volunteer right? I mean if I promise to give you a present you are not going to ask me for my tax documents to prove the proportions of the gift I bequeathed... but then again I am not a Monkey and I have no idea how these things are supposed to work...

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