
…so IA is in New York?… good! Now he will realise that you can’t simply sit there and plead innocent because you are a new nation…. Now he will realise that there will be no one hailing him as the leader of African renaissance, now he knows he will be measured against the benchmarks that he willfully trampled all over… he can’t claim the accolades that should rightfully go the people that he has subjected to unbearable reality… this here is the new reality! If we have done nothing over the years as a resistance movement because we were busy using each other as punch bags we have done one thing so well we have set the flash lights on the heap of compost (complete with maggots around it!) that is known as the government of Eritrea! And today no one on earth except little children who love fairy tails from the clown baba Issias (they call themselves YPFDJ) and undignified old ladies who also live on a staple diet of fairy tales and silly old goons who tell me that they love Issias more than they love their wives (someone actually did… if it weren’t for my pente sensibilities I was going to recommend a civil ceremony to officiate the romance! But even I am not that outrageous…!! The silly man did say his name and where he lives on a public forum so if IA is reading this…)

The thing is Issias Afworki  couldn’t have chosen a more perfect time… this month we are marking a sad turn of events that he almost single handily engineered to the demise of Eritrea and Eritreans and thanks to the relentless efforts of Eritrean human and democratic rights activists, the likes of Amnesty International, Reporters Without Boarders, Human Rights Watch, and my friends over at the Religious Rights organisations (CSW, OD, Release international…)  there isn’t a single policy maker out there that doesn’t yet know of his infamy, and the fact that he is presiding over a heap of rotting rubbish of an organisation (PFDJ) that launders money, deals in illegal arms, deals in the trafficking of  people including women and children, subjects his citizens  to untold misery to promote an economic system that only makes sense in his alcohol drenched mind (yes I have lost all respect for the man and everything he stands for and if you think I am being harsh on him please don’t wait for apologies from me…)

So you see… I am so happy that IA is in the Big Apple to be told that he is butt naked and his nakedness is the most disgusting sight on earth and the world is fed up of him flaunting it all over and the adulation of the crowd that likes to pretend it represents us  will be shown for what it is! A group of silly goons who couldn’t care less if the country burns down to rubbles taking their families along as long as there is a dance floor for them to dance on as they glorify their favourite arsonist!

The difference between human beings and PFDJ proponents singing IA’s praise is: they are blind to the plight of people who have been taken to prison never to be seen or heard from again ten years on they shrug their shoulders and dare to utter a nonchalant… to bad! (their bad!) and continue to dance… the difference is whilst we are outraged to see the tens of thousands of young people just taking off wherever their poor legs manage to take them as long as it is away from their endless misery of an existence as a slave, they are able to disregard this as though it is a choice made out of many good choices that the young people could have made… they even dare to say they are here looking for iPods and trendy trainers… shame on them! I know that my little brothers and sisters are fleeing the country tired of a life as an Eritrean donkey including the constant carrying of excruciating load and the beatings that go with a life as an Eritrean donkey.

A life where the son of a martyr is accused of stealing army property for harvesting wild grass to make it into hay (Haser) to sell it and buy medication for his dying mother! While hundreds of thousands of cash is collected across the globe in his name…shame on anyone who is going to excuse this or play it down under any pretext just so they are able to have a dance of a lifetime with the president… he is on his last leg but we are a prevailing people and we will prevail him and so will whatever is left of their conscience and the conscience has an imaginably long memory…. It won’t forget every light footed evening on the dance floor and I promise neither will we… Eritrea will not forget who stood where at the darkest hour when it really counted … for when the light is switched back on each of our foot prints (paw prints for the monkeys and hyenas among us) will tell of where we have bee and how we got there… mine will be infront of the prison gates crying my eyes out with the countless voiceless….but many will be ashamed to find that their foot prints will chart their haughty march away from what Eritrea stands for- Justice!

This is the true era of people power! This is a new Africa that has effectively dealt with the Mubaraks and Gaddafis there is no dictator untouchable because there is no such thing as a powerless public and this is especially true for us Eritreans as we have a longer track record of taking the bull by the horn and sorting our reality out…IA was accorded our goodwill and he confused it for poor intellect and lazy powerlessness and now he has come to his own grown zero to face reality…our reality!
