…Signs of our time…

…you know I have so many crazy friends right?

This is what I fear that one of them would do one of these days…actually I have a feeling something similar may have just happened…

Well any way one of them fell in love with a girl who still lived in Asmara.. I can’t remember how they met but I believe it might be on line…after a short-lived courtship (on line) they decided to tie the knot and so he went to Eritrea to do so and they met face to face and they made the necessary adjustments to their perceptions and decided that the plan was still viable…although slightly disappointed that her voice was prettier than her nose and he was shorter than his nickname….

Boy goes to his uncles and asks them to go ask girl’s family for her hand in marriage…as you do…so the uncles took to enquiring girl’s credentials and all was well… very well actually… pretty, young, accomplished, nice family… all good… as the day of the tibxahkum approached and being the diligent uncles they are they sat boy down and asked him for his credos too… they wanted to know his level of education… his profession… if he owns …a car… a house…a business or any other accomplishments… he went through all his achievements and couldn’t impress uncles… they kept asking him… you work nights… you share a room with two others… what do you do the rest of the time…’Ahhh’ he said… ‘I am a famous administrator I have a huge room and hundreds of people gather in it’ uncles perked up…

‘Is it a club? Do you play music?’…

‘only on Fridays…’ 

‘What about the rest of the time?’

‘Discussions, seminars, debates and sometimes open mic’

‘Is it like a college then?…’

‘Not quiet it is a room and I administer it… it holds 250 people and sometimes I invite guests and have to have an overflow room as well…’

It was getting a bit difficult for uncles so boy had another brainwave…

wala deyeriyekum’ he glanced at his watch and did the time difference in his head… ‘kefitoma yikonu eyom… but there may not be that many people in yet’

He carried on talking as he switched his swish laptop on, logged on to paltalk and into his room to the excited, flower carpet and merriment of a reception in the half -full room and with a proud smile and an unmistakable glint in his eyes…pointing to @ sign next to his nickname he told  the now bewildered uncles:  ‘I am the Super Admin in this room’ he told them… ‘what I say goes…’

…ever since l someone told me possession is 9/10th of the law about a Facebook page, I haven’t been able to keep a straight face!



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