Gross human rights violations in Eritrea have led to more than a quarter of a million Eritreans to flee and seek shelter elsewhere. Why would Israel want to join the unsavory club of countries that send refugees back to Eritrea?

My birthplace is in the Eritrean capital Asmara, where the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and ex-Mossad leader Rafi Eitan were imprisoned by the British in 1946, near the suburb of Idaga-Arbi. We used

to call the area ‘Inda-Encode’ in honor of the Encode kosher beef packing company that was located nearby. It was there that I saw for the first time in my life an orthodox Jew. I remember asking my mother:...

The full text is available for Haaretz subscribers.  Here is the link to the article: Give Eritreans the asylum in Israel...